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/ Amiga Collections: Taifun / Taifun 115 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).zip / Taifun 115 (1989-11-15)(Ossowski, Stefan)(DE)(PD).adf / MAC_Fonts / Internat / 24 / Internat-24.otf (.png)
OpenType Font  |  1989-07-08  |  19KB
Labels: fence | grass | person | sky
OCR: abcdefghi iklmnopgrs tuuwxyz ABCDEFGHI JKL .MNOPQRSTUVWXYZ 0123456 789 4!@#$%&*0 V0[]> ":/? The quick broun fox jumps the lazy 6op The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op 24 The brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op 36 The brown fox jumps over the lazy 6op The brown fox jumps over the lazy 6oP 60 The brown fox jumps the lazy The brown fox Dyer the abcdefgh ijklmnopgr stuvwxuz sdwn FzDI